National Scout Jamboree


Jamboree is more than a destination. It’s the adventure of a lifetime. And there is simply nothing else like it on the planet.

What’s a Jamboree? It’s not camp. National Jamboree is 360-degrees of fun, friends and fellowship with hands-on adventure that takes you places you never thought you’d go and challenges you to try things you never thought you could.

It’s the beginning of your own heroes’ journey that will challenge you to go farther than you ever thought possible. You’ll reach deeper and lift yourself higher to become the best version of yourself.

Moraine Trails Council Contingent

The Jamboree is on a first-come basis to everyone who qualifies. After units have been filled, a stand-by list of alternates will be established. Participants must be assigned to the Council contingent. Youth participants will be a member of a patrol/crew within the contingent.

Our council contingent will consist of up to 36 youth/young adult/ and 4 adults.

Dates and Location:

The 2023 National Jamboree will be Wednesday, July 19, through Friday, July 28, 2023, at the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve. 

Youth Participant Qualifications:
  • MUST have a current BSA membership. Council members receive first priority with regards to registration spots.
  • MUST be at least 12 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree but has not reached their 18th birthday by the last day of the Jamboree July 19, 2023. NO EXCEPTIONS.
  • Be approved by the local council.
  • Submit a Jamboree Agreement signed by parent or guardian.
  • We recommend all participants have a physical no earlier than 2023. The forms are only valid for one year. The BSA Annual Health and Medical form (all sections completed) must be completed and signed by the physician conducting the physical and submitted through the National Jamboree registration site by March 30, 2023.
  • Parents must sign the Council Jamboree Memorandum of Understanding. If the MOU is not turned in within 30 days of online registration the scout will be removed from the contingent.
  • Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
  • Submit a BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process. The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2022.
  • Submit all registrations fees per the local council’s payment schedule.
  • Parents must ensure ALL CONTINGENT FEES are paid by the 4 payment deadlines set by the Council.
  • There are NO REFUNDS. The Council is purchasing a charter bus, tents, and other equipment that must be paid for out of the fees collected.
Young Adult Program Participant Qualifications:
  • MUST have a current BSA membership.
  • MUST be at least 18 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree but has not reached their 21st birthday by the last day of the Jamboree.
  • MUST be housed as an adult due to chronological age, while allowed to participate in program consistent with a youth participant.
  • Be approved by the local council.
  • Participate in pre-Jamboree training experience with local council and unit leader.
  • Submitted BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process. The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2022.
  • Submit all registrations fees per the local council’s payment schedule.
Adult Participant Qualifications (Scoutmasters, First, Second & Third Scoutmasters):
  • Be approved by the local council.  E-mail Scout Executive Ray Tennent for approval BEFORE applying.
  • MUST have a current BSA membership in a local council unit.
  • All leaders regardless of assigned position MUST be at least 21 years of age by the first day of the Jamboree.
  • Scoutmaster, First, Second or Third Assistant Scoutmasters MUST currently be serving in any unit leadership position.
  • Scoutmaster applicants MUST have completed appropriate leader specific training.
  • All adult leaders MUST be current with Youth Protection Training.
  • All adults must register online through the Jamboree registration system as a “Leader”. The council will designate specific leadership or chaperone positions at the time the Jamboree units are assigned.
  • Participate and assist in planning the pre-Jamboree training experience with local council.
  • The Unit Care Provider must be one of the Unit Leaders (SM or ASM) and is required to hold either current Wilderness First Aid and CPR certificates or a current healthcare license (MD, DO, APRN, RN, PA, Paramedic, EMT). This unit leader’s responsibilities include providing for the safety and well-being of each unit member by a) reviewing their AHMR and maintaining a binder/file containing all of the Unit’s AHMRs, b) maintaining the Unit First Aid Kit and providing first aid treatment within the unit and c) overseeing administration of required medications.
  • Submitted BSA Annual Health & Medical Record using the on-line Jamboree submission process. The AHMR must be dated on or after July 1, 2022.
Travel Plans:

The contingent will leave Camp Bucoco on July 18, 2023 and arrive at the Bechtel Summit the same day. The contingent will camp through the morning of July 28, 2021 and return to Camp Bucoco that evening.


National Jamboree Fee Includes: onsite Jamboree programming, food, cot, troop dining fly, tables, propane, stoves, troop cook kits, participant recognition package (uniform patches, neckerchief).

Additional Council Fee Includes: transportation, tents, duffle bags, contingent troop patch, contingent patch, and three performance t-shirts.

The additional contingent fee from the Council is subsidized in part by a grant the Council secured to help cover $2,000 of the $5,600 charter bus fare and $3,000 for tents. Most Councils do not have this added support from their local Council.

There may be incidental personal expenses to consider such as uniforms, equipment and spending money. Fees are nonrefundable unless a replacement participant is recruited. All deposits are non-refundable.

Total Cost: $1,650 per person.  (See registration directions below)

Once a participant registers online they will be sent an approval email from the Council. After the approval, the parent goes to the Council website, registers for payments, and makes the first online payment of the $150 non-refundable deposit.

Payment Schedule:

A scout can lose their reservation slot if they fall more than 30 days behind in any payment.

  • Deposit due with registration: $150
  • July 30, 2022: $300
  • September 30,2022: $300
  • November 30,2022: $300
  • February 28,2023: $300
  • April 30, 2023: $300


Note there are two (2) places where you need to register:

  1. Apply on National Website
  2. Make Payments on MTC Website