Moraine Trails Council Scout Shop

Your Local Source for Scout Stuff
The MTC Scout Shop is located inside the Council Service Center in Butler and is stocked with an array of items that every Scout, Venturer, parent or Scouter needs and wants. We also have a large inventory of program awards, books, and materials.
Customers that would like to place an order for any item(s) that are not carried in the store, please contact Rela at 724/287-6791, option #2. Orders are generally received from the National office 5-7 days after the order date. Rela is also able to mail packages upon request.
IMPORTANT: A completed advancement report that is processed through ScoutBook is required to purchase any Cub Scout or Boy Scout advancements. When a unit has a completed advancement order, an email copy of it may be sent to Rela at and she will pull the order together for you. Then, it will be ready when you come to pick it up.
The Scout Shop is available to receive and fulfill orders via e-mail or phone.
- Monday: 9:15 A.M.-1:00PM and 2:00PM-5 P.M.
- Wednesday: 9:15 A.M-1:00PM and 2:00PM.-5 P.M.
- Friday: 9:15 A.M.-1:00PM and 2:00PM-5 P.M.
Contact Info
Scout Shop Manager –
(724) 287-6791 Opt. 2