Trail to Eagle
The trail to Eagle Scout requires commitment and planning. As a Life Scout, you are just one step away from youth’s most significant accomplishment and honor.
There are procedures to be followed along the way. Below is some information to help you do everything right.
Eagle Scout Applications
It is necessary to use the 2021 version of the Eagle Scout Application and Workbook. By using these fillable documents, a clear and legible document is produced; thus, making it easy for the staff reviewing the paperwork as well as the people conducting the Board of Review. When the Eagle Scout candidate comes into the Council Office to tum in their paperwork, it is permissible for the parent(s) to enter the building with their child. However, the parent(s) should remain silent when their child is making the presentation of their workbook and describing their Eagle project. This is not the parent’s Eagle award; it is the Scout’s.
We look forward to seeing all Scouts achieve this great honor.
How to find the fillable Eagle Scout App1ication and Eagle Scout Project Workbook
Type and scroll down to the Rank Advancement heading. Click on: Eagle Scout Rank Application 2020, No. 51 2- 728. You are now able to type your application.
Click on Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook, No. 51 2- 927. Click on download the workbook. You are now able to type in all the workbook sections.
When turning in your paperwork at the Council office to be submitted for your Board of Review, please bring the following items:
- The completely filled out Eagle Scout Rank application including all signatures needed. (When filling in dates for positions held within the Troop, please note under Requirement 4 on the back page of the application that you only need to fill in those positions served after your Life Board of Review. )
- The Project Proposal, Project Plan and Project Report sections of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook completely filled out including all signatures needed.
- A letter of ambition. This letter needs to be at least one typed page and you need to sign the bottom of the letter. You will find a description of what you may want to include in your letter by looking under the Certification by Applicant heading on the back side of the Eagle Application.
- Beginning, middle and ending pictures of your Eagle project.